The Golden Wedding Anniversary of Stanley and Molly Skinner, 1985
(Western Times 29th March 1985) Cutting from Tim Laing's Scrapbooks (1985)
The wedding of Francis Herbert Fishleigh and Edith Murrin in 1936
(Herbert H Watts photograph)The wedding of Francis Herbert Fishleigh and Edith J Murrin in 1936 Back left : Bill Fishleigh, ...
The wedding of Rev. Robert Neale to Margaret Rossiter, daughter of Rev. Rossiter in 1936
(Herbert H Watts photograph)The wedding of Rev. Robert Neale to Margaret Rossiter, daughter of Rev. Rossiter in 1936 (Herbert H ...
The wedding of Bert Ford & Beatrice Edwards 1925
The Wedding of Bert Ford & Beatrice Edwards in 1925. The bridesmaid on the left is Kate Ford,
People from Hatherleigh at Rev. Norman Hillier’s wedding in Wiltshire 1987
People from Hatherleigh at Rev. Norman Hillier's wedding in Wiltshire 1987
The wedding of Jack Diamond and Edith Dennis c. 1918
The wedding of Jack Diamond and Edith Dennis c. 1918
Bert Norman’s wedding c.1928
Bert Norman's wedding c.1928
Tom Hill, unknown bridesmaid, George Cooper, Esther Cooper (bride), Bill Hill, Esther Hill.
Tom Hill, unknown bridesmaid, George Cooper, Esther Cooper (bride), Bill Hill, Esther Hill.